Jan 19, 2021Liked by Medhavi, Larissa

Thank you for the wonderful 'One by One' shout-out! As one of the researchers associated with this project, we are hoping 2021 has an even greater focus on digital skills development - beyond technical competencies. Our research shows we need to fuse business intelligence skills with emotional skills to achieve digital maturity. One of the reasons there is a struggle to achieve deeper digital engagement is because we have not formally taught or practiced how to be human on digital channels. This is a skill that must be taught and actively practiced. This emotional skill building is also required for the development of the development of implicit/explicit practices and policies (scaffolding) required to create a safe online space for engagement. This is ESPECIALLY needed if organizations are using Big Social platforms where toxicity is rampant. If you and your readers would like to learn more about 'One by One' and how we are building a Periodic Table of Skills, we invite you into our research community, the Digital Commons - https://bit.ly/DCinvitation.

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It shall be mentioned that the cruise ship above is the Reliance on a trip around the world under Nazi-German flag in 1938. The photographer is Franz Grasser. 44 photos from this journey can be viewed here: https://mprove.de/chronolab/world/hapag/grasser.html?q=Reliance

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